Our P & F run a uniform shop out of our Tuckshop.
Alternately school uniform clothing can generally be found at Kmart, Best and Less, Target and Big W. There does appear to be more stock in these shops at the beginning of each school year and less as the year proceeds.
Please note - Navy Legionnaire hats are available for purchase for $6.00 from the school office.
Uniform Guidelines
Hats are to be worn at all times during outdoor activities.
Sunscreen may be applied at home before your child leaves for school.
Uniforms should be clean, tidy and in good repair.
Hair should be clean and tidy. Hair longer than collar length must be tied with a yellow or navy blue ribbon.
Extreme hairstyles which draw attention through cut, colour, added products etc are not permitted.
The following items are the only jewellery to be worn with the school uniform.
Parents Please Note:
Please name all items of school clothing. Named items of clothing, when handed in to lost property, can easily be returned to the rightful owners. Tracksuits, jumpers, sloppy joes, windcheaters etc. must be in the appropriate school colours of brown or gold (plain –without patterns or writing).

© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Paul's School (2024)