School Routine

School Of​​fice Hours

8:00am to 3.30pm (Monday to Friday)

School Hours

​School commences at 8.35am each day​
School concludes at 2.55pm each day  

1st Break

​10:45am - 10:55am - Supervised Eating

10:55am - 11:25am - Playtime

2nd Break

1:25pm - 1:35pm - Supervised Eating

1:35pm - 1:55pm - Playtime


Leaving the school grounds

Children must be accompanied by an adult when leaving the grounds in school hours. If a caregiver not known to the school staff is going to collect a child during school hours parents need to notify the school beforehand by phone or note that another nominated person will be calling and signing out the child.

The procedure for collection of a child is

  1. Parent or nominated caregiver goes to the office.

  2. At the office the parent or caregiver identifies himself or herself to the office staff and signs a Permission to Leave Register.

  3. Office staff will phone the child’s teacher and ask them to send the child to the office.

Parking Safety


8:00am - 9.00am

2.00pm - 3.15pm


​All parents are asked to observe this No Parking Regulation even when the gates are not closed. Failure to observe this regulation places our children at risk.

Our “Pick Up, Drop Off Zone” is on Talganda Street and further off street parking is available on Burrigan Street. Children enter the school via gates at the side of the oval.​