St Paul's Way

​​​​Our Beliefs and Understandings About Behaviour At St Paul's

1.  B​​​ehaviour Is a Process of Learning

  • Behaviour needs to be taught regularly and sequentially
  • Behaviour is learned at one's own pace​

2.  Hope Is the Foundation Of Change

  • We believe in helping other possibilities emerge and trust in the powerful presence of God
  • Educating children is God's work
  • We don't have all the answers, so we need to care and support each other in this process
  • We believe in the value of humility
  • Success builds success; therefore, we value the “good times" and believe and rejoice in our successes however small

3.  Behaviour Is Influenced

  • Behaviour is strongly influenced by home, culture, school, peers, society and own self
  • Behaviour is influenced by the group and a sense of belonging
  • People influence each other's behaviour so modelling good behaviour is important to this process of learning

4.  Respect, Safety and Learning Are Central To Life At St. Paul's

  • Expectations, boundaries, and consequences should be clear, succinct and consistent
  • Children need boundaries and knowledge of the consequences (St Paul's Way)
  • We need to be compassionate, just, consistent and fair in dealing with children and their behaviour
  • We value speaking respectfully to the child so they can maintain their dignity
  • We believe that children should be able to predict the behaviour of the adult who is dealing with them

5.  Self-Awareness

  • Right behaviour needs to become an internalised skill
  • Behaviour reflects one's beliefs and values
  • Changing my own behaviour/perceptions can influence a change in others
  • Behaviour is the interplay of thought, feeling and action
  • Behaviour meets needs in life. Knowledge and experience of language and behaviour registers is a resource to participate more successfully in society
  • We believe in the benefit of developing social-emotional competencies such as resiliency, conflict resolution and anger management

6.  Behaviour Is Owned and Shared By All

  • Behaviour learning involves the development of relationships, including a knowledge and rapport with students and family
  • We believe we should concentrate on the behaviour not the child
  • An individual makes choices and takes responsibility for their behaviour
  • We value family involvem​ent in the share​d process of learning together

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© Brisbane Catholic Education, St Paul's School (2024)